Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's taken forever... but I'm finally here!!!

ok, so here i am. i have a blog. who would have imagined. still not really too sure what a blog IS, but im sure i will figure it out along the way. i will be posting pictures of things i have made, might make, want to make or i think are cute. i want this to be a place where i can share ideas and get some input from you guys on what im doing. sometimes honesty from others is the best teacher, besides messing up a million times until you finally get it right!! you know... those of you that have done things that havent turned out like you had planned, not me!!! i always go into my creations with a clear plan and come out clear on the other side.... NOT!!!! to me its all about having an idea and trying to make it happen. it seems to take me a little longer than most for some reason, but i usually get close to where i was headed, with a few happy detours. i love to change my mind a million times in one project, that way i dont bore myself. as my buddy bob ross used to say... "there are no mistakes, just happy accidents!"
i hope that you will follow me and whats going on in my mind, and hopefully what im actually doing.... when the kiddos allow!! they like to keep me under close supervision! feel free to comment, criticize, laugh (hopefully not at me), snicker, share and give and take inspiration!!
thanks for stopping to see what im about. i hope we can follow our yellow brick roads together.

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